Saturday, November 26, 2011


I love hearing people make jokes and complain about the Occupy protestors. Why? Probably because when I hear somebody say insulting things about these people, I lose a little bit of my sanity. What is there to make fun of about a bunch of people who have taken it into their hands to use the provisions given to Americans by the constitution to attempt to fix our economy by going straight to the source?

Most of these people DO have the average-Joe jobs that you so quickly accuse them of avoiding, and that is the reason they are protesting. They don't want "free handouts" as many people are trying to say; they want the money they deserve. But they aren't being allowed to have that money, because it is being hoarded by "the 1%." You see, the 1% is the very small portion of the American populace to which 98% of America's wealth is attributed to. That's right, you read that correctly: the money that is just barely keeping most families above the poverty line, and is still not enough to keep some families above that threshold, is only TWO FUCKING PERCENT of the money in America.

These rich-as-fuck assholes sit on their asses all day, accumulating thousands of dollars each day which just sits in a bank and never gets used, and the hard-working people of America can barely stand to feed their families. Where is the justice in that? People want to call the Occupy protestors lazy and ungrateful, when they are the ones actually protesting and bringing attention to the sons-of-bitches who actually DO have these attributes?

There are 100 people living in your house, and everyone in the house has made 1 million dollars total, but the one person in the house who doesn't have a job is keeping $980,000 in their personal bathroom so they always have something to wipe their ass with. Now, you can go ahead and be content with your $202, but I'm gonna cheer on anybody who is willing to throw that fucker out the window in order for everybody else to get the $10,000 they worked so hard for.

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